
Easy Up sell Pro

Original price was: €24.99.Current price is: €4.99.

Here’s A Quick And Easy Way To Create Thank You Pages For Your Downloadable Products – And Substantially Boost Your Profits By Upselling After The Sale!

Marketing products or services online is not as easy as it once was. Gone are the days when you could throw a website up on the internet, post a couple of posts on related forums and start reaping the sales without any further effort. That isn’t to say that forum marketing doesn’t work at all, but it is just one method in your arsenal.

The smart marketers know that they need targeted traffic from as many quality sources as they can possibly acquire. The best methods to use are those that attract traffic from a hugely popular site that can give you dead on targeted traffic.

All you need to do is get your piece of the traffic pie, and one way to do that is to post quality videos that are targeted to your product or market.

Many people get a little apprehensive when I mention video marketing or video creation to them. They have visions of getting out a camera and getting all tongue tied while trying to create a video for their marketing purposes. Well relax, there is an easier way for you to create stunning marketing videos!

Here is just some of what you will learn:

  • How to use two different free platforms to create / edit your videos
  • Where to get free images for your videos
  • Where to get free music for your videos
  • How to create beautiful custom slides using a free tool
  • How to put it all together
  • and lots more…




“Here’s A Quick And Easy Way To Create Thank You Pages For Your Downloadable Products – And Substantially Boost Your Profits By Up selling After The Sale”

Dear Friend,

As you probably already know, selling downloadable products is a great way to make money online.

There are no overheads, no delivery costs and no hassle. In fact it’s the only 100% profit business in the world.

But most of the people selling downloadable products still miss out on a very important source of additional income…

“The Upsell”

An upsell is where you offer additional products for sale on your “thank you for ordering” page, so customers who’ve just bought one thing from you are offered more products.

By catching customers when they are already in the “buying mood”, you stand a much better chance of making additional sales, substantially boosting your profits.

It’s a well-proven strategy and used by many of the Internet’s top marketers.

But despite the potential profits, most marketers don’t bother to market anything on their thank you pages.

This is usually because it’s hassle to create lots of thank you pages with upsell offers on them.

And that’ where Easy Upsell Pro comes in, providing an easy way to build thank you pages that include all your upsell offers.




  Create Thank You Pages In 2 Seconds Flat

With Easy Upsell Pro, you create a single web page (called a “template”) which contains all the upsell offers that you want to show to your customers.

You can create more than one page if you want different upsells for different products, but most people only need one template web page, which is used for all products.

You can create your page using any HTML editor. A standard page is supplied with the software, which you can edit if you wish – or you can create a new one from scratch.

You make the page look exactly as you want, so it matches the look and feel of your website or business – and insert any upsell offers you want.

The page is a complete thank you page, except that it does not contain any actual download links, just some special text %%insert%% which indicates where the download links should appear.

Once you’ve created your template, you use it to build all your thank you pages for all your different products.

For each product, you create a folder on your website and upload the special script file (supplied with the software) along with the relevant zipped downloads.

You don’t need to actually create the thank you page yourself – the script does it for you. Just upload the script file and the zip files to your web host.

The script will take the template and automatically insert download links for all the zip files in place of the %%insert%% text – and then show the resulting thank you page to your customer.

With this simple solution, you can set up a new thank you page in two seconds flat.




  Change Your Upsells At Any Time

You can change the template page at any time.

All the thank you pages that use that template will automatically update as well.

This means you can change your upsells at any time, just by editing a single HTML page.




  Use For An Unlimited Number Of Sites/Products

You can use this software on as many websites as you want (as long as they are all owned by you). You can use the same template for all products – or as many different templates as you want.




Order Your Copy Now


Most successful marketers use upsells as a way of substantially boosting profits.

Easy Upsell Pro makes it quick and easy for you to use the same powerful strategy to boost your profits.

With all the benefits of this superb software, you might expect to pay a lot for it.

But if you order right now, you can get your own copy for just €4.99

This software is for use only on PCs running Microsoft Windows. The software generates a special PHP script file that you upload to your website. The script requires a web host that supports PHP (most quality web hosts support this as standard). 

Earnings Disclaimer
Although we provide powerful tools which can help boost income, the results are dependent on many factors outside our control, including the quality and nature of your products. We are not therefore able to give any guarantees about the level of income that you will attain by using this software. 


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