“Discover How YOU – Or Anyone – Can Easily Use My Professional Designs, Squeeze and Adsense Templates In A Box – In Just A Few Minutes…
…without Having To Hire An Expensive Web Designer OR Use A Third Party Software!”
Dear Friend,
Have You have just completed your newest digital product and it is almost ready to enter the Internet marketplace. “Almost ready”… yeah, right.
The Internet marketplace is completely saturated with many other digital products, thus making your product stand out of the crowd is going to be your biggest challenge. Suffice to say, your first impression to a visitor of your site will either convert to a sale, or result in them clicking that little X at the top of the browser window leaving your site possibly FOREVER.
With billions of prospects waiting to be customers on the Internet, they can’t touch or feel anything digital in nature letting alone taking a peak into them! And the first impression is very crucial, it can very well be the deciding factor between YOUR product and your competitor’s. Since your prospect can’t even get the icing of the cake, let’s rephrase that a bit I’m going to ask you a very important question…
If the prospect has to choose ONLY ONE product, “Yours” Or Your “Competitors” which one would he choose?
The most expensive-looking professionally designed sales page, of course, price-to-price or not.
You certainly DON’T want to lose a lot of potential sales simply owing to lousy-looking designs you use for your product no matter how good your sales letter may be, because the bottom-line is that your prospects are seeing your digital product at a glance, and it takes a good 5 seconds for your prospect to either stay or turn away.
Another school of marketing lesson says that if you’re going to be in business, dress in a business manner! After all, dressing your product well by giving it a professional looking design goes to show how serious you take your business and your prospects will be able to tell that, consciously or not.
Own 3 New Sales Letter Templates &
One Time Offer Special Template
with integrated $7 Dollar Script Copy
– Right Now!
This Templates Will Change
Your Business in next 30 min from NOW!
…read more below… |
In Less Then 10 min From Now -You Can Put Your Hands On This Amazing 3 Set
Templates In A Box Packages
3 Hot – Web 2.0 Templates, already sliced and optimized for best web performance, pre-designed in html page;
- Special OTO Template, already optimized, sliced for best performance, predesigned in html page;
- For each template, also is included Testimonial Box, that is also optimized, sliced and pre-designed, ready to use as html/php web page;
- Each template is pre-coded with $7 Dollar Script* – and is ready to take orders in next 30 min from now!;
For this kind of templates I can easily charge over €99 – but will not do this – EVER!…
… see below for “Low Special Price”
that I’m offering today… this is time limited!!
This kind of Squeeze/News Letter Templates Are Worth More Then €99, But Not Today – Why?? – Because I Have Special Price For You, See More Below…
3 New – Hot! – Adsense Templates, optimized, sliced and pre-designed, ready to use as html/php web page;
Just add your pub-number and your template is ready to upload to your own server;
Using copy and paste you may add own story, article, or any other content you want;
This Professional Designed – 3 Adsense Templates Can Be Easily Sold for over €99 Anywhere – But Not Here – See Below For New Low Price For Whole 3 Set Package!

Kevin Riley
“Dammit Alex!
Don’t you ever sleep. You just keep coming up with more and more of the slickest web templates. Talk about hot .. these simply sizzle. I love your style.”

Richard Wing
You never cease to amaze me at the professional graphics packages that you offer on a regular basis. You always seem to outdo yourself. It is refreshing to have a consistent source for my graphic solutions. Your packages not only benefit me by using them but I will go on record to say that I have made at least 30 times back in profits for each package I have ever purchased from you.
When I promote your packages they fly off the shelves!
Keep up the great work!

Archie Top
Another great product!!! More and more web templates almost every day. I love your style. Professional graphics packages are amazing. You always outdo yourself. Best source of best graphic solutions. Your packages made at least 10 times back in profits. Keep up the great work! I’m on alert for new offers from you.

Nathan Hull
Being a graphic designer by trade I can say without a shadow of a doubt that you are of the highest caliber when it comes to graphic design. Your template packages not only sell like hotcakes, they increase my conversion ratio drastically. Every time I use one of your templates my sales go through the roof.
Once you have the Photoshop Action loaded into Photo Shop, just press the play button and a basic template is made for you, edit the colors and add the titles of your choice from the product or services you provide. Press play again and out pops the cover complete and ready for your website.
That march your colors! Open them in Photo Shop, change text, add any image you want, go to Action Tab – and hit “Step 2” to play final action and create cool boxes like below…
…see below:
- Bonus #3
– Additional package of 12 Templates– ready to use and create new software boxes in less then 5 min from now!
– worth over €19, today FREE with purchase
- Bonus #4
– Private Label Rights To “Squeeze Page Secrets”– worth over €29, today FREE with purchase
Every now and then you may come across a
REAL Deal and you know it when you see it.
Today is that day!
But Wait!
One More Reason To Grab It Now!
There is a surprise for you inside the members area. But I won’t reveal it to you now! It is only for those ready to take action. Let’s just say, you will be able to get your tiny “investment” AT LEAST 10 times back. And I almost GUARANTEE it!
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