All In One Solution Bundle


DigitalLearningZone believes to explore the knowledge worldwide, that’s why all of our products comes with PLR(Private Resell Right) Licence. Which mean you can resell every single product of this bundle as you wish with full 100% profit. There is no time/download limit. This bundle product is your life-time wealth. You can gain & explore the knowledge by selling this products with 100% profit for life long time from anywhere anytime you want.

Over 21 million Internet user search for online education everyday. Day by day education is becoming very expensive.  That’s why we have created a short & sweet Online Business, Marketing & Digital Learning  related products bundle.

We are Also giving you 7 important Graphics Designs & Templates Bundle as a Bonus.
Our All In One Solution Bundle product will teach you everything you need to learn about Online Business, Marketing & Digital Learning.
 Products Check List & Learning Outcomes:
13 Video Courses:
  • Home Productivity Video Upgrade

  • Personal Branding Blueprint

  • Online Viral Marketing Secrets

  • WordPress Website Security

  • WordPress Engagement Boost

  • Woo-commerce Membership Secrets

  • WordPress Automation Secrets

  • Facebook Ads

  • Facebook Messenger Bot Marketing

  • YouTube Channel SEO

  • Social Media Automation

  • Free Traffic System Advanced

  • Metaverse Made Simple Video Course


5 E-Books & Audio Books 

  • The Millionaire Mindset

  • Big Business Blueprint

  • 101 Self Help Tips

  • 100 Super Affiliate Tips

  • 100 Business Boosting Ideas

Click Here To Get Instant Access Now

Special Bonus Included; Value Over €700.

7 important Graphics Designs & Templates Bundle

  • 123 Ready-Made Logo Kit

  • Graphical Opt-In Box Collection

  • Graphic Expert In A Box

  • Templates In A Box

  • 100 Mobile Web Templates

  • 5 New Video Squeeze Templates

  • Flashing Order Buttons Pro

Buy Now


Special Bundle Offer

Usually it's not an inheritance, a stroke of good luck, or unethical business dealings what makes people wealthy. In almost all cases it's because of the way they think. You can also learn to think that same way too.  The Millionaire Mindset Cover CD

Original price was: €24.99.Current price is: €4.99.
Working from home can be the best thing that could happen to you. You’ll be more productive, you’ll earn more, and you’ll have more spare time to work on your self-development, your hobbies, and the things that really matter to you. It’s all about getting into the right mindset, learning to be productive when there is nobody to pile the pressure on, and doing what you can to stay on task. This video course will show you how to work from home and get more done all while staying sane. Topics covered:
  • 5 Tips for Avoiding Procrastination
  • How to Create a Highly Productive Work Environment in Your Home Office
  • How to Create a Strict Routine When Working From Home
  • How to Deal With Loneliness and Social Isolation When You Work From Home
  • How to Deal With Small Tasks and Prevent Overwhelm
  • How to Enter and Stay in a Flow State When Working From Home
  • The Perfect Morning Routine for a Productive Working Day
  • The Top Tools and Apps for Getting More Work Done From Home
  • These 5 Hacks With Make Working From Home Much More Enjoyable
  • Why You Should Tackle the Biggest Challenge First
Work From Home Productivity Video Upgrade Cover Includes ready sales materials!
Original price was: €99.99.Current price is: €9.99.
How To Build A Highly Profitable, Wildly Successful Online Business And Start On A Shoe-String Budget Today... Big Business Blueprint BBB_bundle Cover
Original price was: €99.99.Current price is: €9.99.
Creating, or updating, a personal brand can seem like an overwhelming task.  There are so many elements that need to be considered and a lot of thought required for it to be successful.  With this step-by step video course you will learn everything you will need to know to own a successful personal brand. Topics covered:
  • The Low Down Why Personal Branding Matters
  • The Top 5 Benefits To Building Your Personal Branding Strategy
  • The 3 Most Common Mistakes Made When Building A Personal Branding Strategy
  • The Top 6 Things To Consider When Choosing The Target Audience For Your Personal Branding
  • The 3 Most Important Things To Define In Your Personal Branding
  • The 3 Things You Need To Check To Make Sure Your Personal Branding Is Reaching Your Target Audience
  • Four Easy Ways To Carry Your Brand Into Your Everyday Life And Build Your Authenticity
  • Top 3 Simple Things To Incorporate Into Your Personal Branding
  • Signs That Your Personal Branding Is Not Working For You And How To Test It
  • The 5 Secrets To Using Social Media For Your Brand
Personal Branding Blueprint Video Upgrade Cover
Original price was: €99.99.Current price is: €19.99.
If you don’t have motivation, it will be impossible for you to reach your goals and achieve the success that you desire.  If you want to accomplish your goals and find success, then you have to find your motivation.  With this special guide...
  • You’ll find the motivation you need to drive yourself forward to accomplish your goals and change your life.
  • You’ll become more self-disciplined to lead a more successful life and accomplish whatever you put your mind to.
  • You’ll develop your time management skills, so you have the time to do what you want and accomplish all your goals.
  • You’ll learn how to change your negative thoughts into positive ones, which will give you the best shot at staying motivated.
  • You’ll learn how to set attainable goals that will allow you to stay motivated and encourage you to accomplish all your goals.
  • And much, much more...
101 Self Help Tips lead-magnet Includes ready sales materials!
Original price was: €29.99.Current price is: €2.99.
Business self help ideas for all kinds of different ways to overcome negative business problems!100 Business Boosting Ideas Cover
Original price was: €39.99.Current price is: €4.99.
Learn super affiliate maneuvers for different types of affiliate programs to promote, affiliate bonuses to offer that will increase your commissions and ways to market them for maximum profits! 100 Super Affiliate Tips Cover
Original price was: €19.99.Current price is: €1.99.
Believe it or not, people interested in whatever it is you are promoting are already congregating online. Twitter, YouTube, Facebook and other social media platforms want you to succeed. The more popular your content becomes, the more traffic they get. Too many people try 'viral marketing' and fail. The reason should be obvious. Most people have no clue what viral marketing is really all about. In fact, the more they hear the term, the more confused they get. This increases the likelihood that they will crash and burn when they try 'viral marketing.'. With this video training you will discover a shortcut to online viral marketing secrets. Topics covered:
  • Don't Join the Army of Viral Content Failures
  • Shocking Fact: Viral Content is Everywhere!
  • Save Time and Money by Deciding NOT to Do This
  • The Two-Step Trick to Effective Viral Marketing
  • How Do You Find Hot Content?
  • Maximize Niche Targeting for Your Curated Content
  • Remember to protect yourself when sharing others’ content
  • How to share viral content on Facebook
  • How to share viral content on Twitter
  • Filter your content format to go viral on many platforms
Online Viral Marketing Secret cover Includes ready sales materials!
Original price was: €299.99.Current price is: €29.99.
This specific training course was designed to help you understand how to secure and protect your valuable WordPress site. In a recent study done by Sucuri, around 90% of all the hacked content management systems that they investigated and helped fix in 2018 were WordPress sites. If you rely on your website for your business - whether that means for marketing purposes, business operations, or anything important - protecting your asset is crucial. It's essential to be proactive. Topics covered:
  • Introduction to WP Security
  • Backdoors
  • WordPress Hosting
  • Protect WP-Admin
  • Different Security Plugins
  • 2-Step Authorization Plugins
  • Protect Files
  • Password Protection
Wordpress Website Security Cover Includes non-transferable PLR rights and ready sales materials!
Original price was: €199.99.Current price is: €19.99.
In this step-by-step video course you will discover how to increase engagement on your WordPress site - which results in more leads, sales, & profits. Getting your customers to interact with you is crucial. The more they engage - the more they will come to know, like, and trust you. There are several different things you will learn to create a fantastic experience for your visitors. Topics covered:
  • Introduction and Quick Overview
  • How fast does your site load? And how to check.
  • How to speed up your WordPress site - plugins
  • How to speed up via Web Hosting
  • Engagement Boost Hack 1
  • Engagement Boost Hack 2
  • Engagement Boost Hack 3
  • Turning Engagement into Subscribers
Wordpress Engagement Boost Cover Includes ready sales materials and non-transferable PLR rights!
Original price was: €199.99.Current price is: €19.99.
If you're trying to sell your product online, or you would like to earn recurring incomes, setting up your very own membership site is crucial to your success. That said, one of the biggest problems is that many people don't know where to start. What membership script should you use? By using WordPress, you can make your site beautiful, but most of the plugins that integrate into it are not great looking, or user friendly. This 7-part video course is designed to show you exactly how you can quickly and easily brainstorm, plan, and set up your WordPress membership site! Topics covered:
  • Mapping Out Your Membership Site Funnel
  • Which WordPress Membership Plugin?
  • Access, Install, and Getting Started Creating a Membership Level
  • Creating and Pricing
  • Testing
Woo-commerce membership site secrets cover
Original price was: €199.99.Current price is: €19.99.
Time is money. Running a WordPress website, whether you are trying to sell your product or service online, run a membership site, or any site takes time. What should have been a tool to help you make more money - ended up becoming a full-time job. Worse, you're unable to spend your time on your actual business. This 8-part video course is designed to show you exactly how you can free up your time by quickly and easily automating tedious and boring tasks within your WordPress site! Topics covered:
  • Different Automation Scenarios
  • Website Maintenance Automation
  • Content Marketing Automation
  • Social Media Automation
  • ECommerce Automation
  • Membership Automation
  • Best Complete Automation Plugins
Wordpress Automation Secret cover Includes ready sales materials!
Original price was: €199.99.Current price is: €19.99.
Facebook Ads can be very profitable for your business. But it’s also a way to lose a lot of money if you don’t do it right. In this specific video training course, you will learn what you need to do to setup your Facebook Ads properly. You will learn to find data about what your audience wants and what is the best way you should approach them. You will also learn how to make sure your ads appeal to the right person, how do you use the right text, the right image and much more!
  • Introduction to FB Ads
  • Paid Traffic Mindset
  • Who Are You Targeting?
  • FB Insights
  • Creating an Avatar Profile
  • Important Ad Rules
  • The Pixel
  • Ad Campaigns
Facebook Ad cover Includes ready sales materials!
Original price was: €199.99.Current price is: €19.99.
Facebook Messenger has revolutionized how marketers can access and grow their audience on Facebook and websites that use many of Facebook’s extensions. Facebook Messenger Bot Marketing Unleashed Video Upgrade deluxe-package
Original price was: €49.99.Current price is: €14.99.
In this video training course, you will learn how to take your YouTube Channel to brand new heights. Video marketing is one of the easiest ways to get highly targeted traffic, but you have to do it right. The problem is that ranking on YouTube isn’t as easy as it was back in 2005, or even 2010. Plus, on top of that, there are tons and tons of different marketing strategies out there online.  Many of these work and many of them have faded away. Understanding what Google wants and making sure what you do looks as natural as possible is the key strategy here. Topics covered:
  • Introduction to YouTube Video Traffic
  • What This Is NOT
  • What Google Wants & The Strategy
  • The Ring
  • How to Automate The Ring
  • Account Creation
  • Outsourcing
  • Testing
YouTube Channel SEO Cover
Original price was: €99.99.Current price is: €19.99.
To survive in business, you must appear everywhere your customers are. This includes the major social media platforms. The more presence you have, the more extensive your network of people will be; the more comprehensive your network is, the more people will know about your latest offers and be more engaged in your business. Managing the business and keeping multiple social media sites up-to-date can be a handful. What ends up happening is some of your social media accounts are active while some aren't. In the specific video series you will learn how to automate your social media presence. Topics covered:
  • Social Media Platforms
  • Which Platform is Best?
  • Customize Your Game-plan
  • Map it out
  • Automation Apps
  • Free Automation
Social Media Automation Cover Includes non-transferable PLR rights!
Original price was: €199.99.Current price is: €19.99.
Secure your Website's Bandwidth to Receive Tons of Traffic that Will Come Using this Advance Free Traffic System! Free Traffic System Advanced Cover
Original price was: €29.99.Current price is: €9.99.
Get Instant Access to 38 Eye-Popping, Ready-Made Logos You Can Use For Your Next Product or Business! Simply Choose a Logo, Customize And You're Done! Designing logos is plain difficult. You need creativity and design skills. You would spend hours trying to even think about what colors to use. Who wants that? Would you rather spend your time on more important tasks in your business? Even if you were to get a professional logo designer to design your logo, it would cost you $30-$100 or more. Take a look at some freelance marketplace like oDesk and E lance? Your logo represents your brand so you want to make sure you have a professional-looking logo that symbolizes your business. 123 Logo Kit will solve all those problems that every internet marketer and business owners are facing right now. This simply means that if you sell these kit to them, it will surely make profit in your end. 123 Logo Kit Cover
Original price was: €199.99.Current price is: €19.99.
Introducing : A Fast, Easy Way to Increase Your Opt-In List By Grabbing The Attention of Your Visitors With Elegant and Classy Graphical Opt-In Box! A few moments or so from now, you could be building your opt-in list faster and more effectively than ever before. Have you noticed recently how all of the most successful sites and lead capture pages feature prominent, highly graphical opt-in boxes? The reason for this is simple - it gets attention! Graphical Opt-In Box Collection Cover
Original price was: €199.99.Current price is: €19.99.
Create Professional Quality Graphics To Help Sell Your Products And Services Like Crazy! Have you ever paid for graphics for your website to help you sell more product? Have you also received the outrageous bill from the graphic designer after that? Or even worse, have you ever said to yourself "I can live without an eCover because they are just too expensive?" That's a very big mistake! It's proven that an eCover can help you sell tons more products. Whatever your situation, there is a solution to both of these problems. Graphics Expert in a box cover
Original price was: €39.99.Current price is: €9.99.

Discover How YOU - Or Anyone - Can Easily Use My Professional Designs, Squeeze and Adsense Templates In A Box - In Just A Few Minutes Without Having To Hire An Expensive Web Designer OR Use A Third Party Software!

Own 3 New Sales Letter Templates & One Time Offer Special Template with integrated $7 Dollar Script Copy - Right Now! This Templates Will Change Your Business in next 30 min from NOW!

Templates In A Box Sample Cover
Original price was: €99.99.Current price is: €9.99.
Make Thousands of Dollars Online Offering Mobile Friendly Websites to Your Local Business Clients! 100 Mobile Web Templates Cover
Original price was: €24.99.Current price is: €4.99.
  Video Squeeze Templates Web 2.0! These Powerful Templates Will Draw Your Visitors' Eyeballs to Your Opt-In Video Like A Lightning Bolt to a Lightning Rod! Video Squeeze Pages Are Rapidly Replacing "Regular" Text Based Squeeze Pages. Video is far more effective than using just plain words on a squeeze page. Video is compelling, and highly visual. It captures our attention. You Need to Stand Out From The Crowd. Here's your chance to do just that! Grab 5 brand new professionally designed Video Squeeze Page Templates, in seven "web 2.0" colors, that'll get your visitors to say "Wow!". They'll be impressed and they'll want to see your video and opt-in to your list! 5 New Video Squeeze Templates Cover
Original price was: €29.99.Current price is: €4.99.
Easily Create Eye Catching Buttons That Grab Your Buyers Attention! What is traffic if they won't convert right? There are many factors why your audience won't buy from what you offer from your website. And few of those factors is that your website might be ugly or not professionally created, not good product presentation, or simply your call to action button feature don't catch your audience's eyes. The good news is that inside this product is an amazing piece of software that will easily create flashing call to action button that will surely attract your website visitors eyes. This software is designed to be very easy to use. All you really have to do is fill in information the way you would do when you are filling out any other form. Simply follow the instructions in the software filling in the required information as you go. Flashing Order Buttons Pro sample Cover
Original price was: €24.99.Current price is: €4.99.
Whether you have your own business or you work for someone else, the metaverse can make it easier to communicate employee requirements and to make schedules that are easier for everyone to learn and follow. Zoom is getting tiring for many people, so VR and AR are better alternative solutions for those who continue to work online but need a better work-life balance. A few decades ago, the internet was being introduced and people’s lives changed forever. Now people are saying that the metaverse is the new internet, which means you need to get involved and learn everything you can. With this video course you will learn what is the metaverse, why it matters for the future, and how to harness its power. Topics covered:
  • 3 Key Aspects of the Metaverse: Presence, Interoperability, and Standardization
  • 4 Ways the Metaverse Will Change the Workplace
  • 5 Companies Investing in the Metaverse
  • 5 Real-Life Examples of the Metaverse
  • A Brief History of the Metaverse
  • Should I be Worried About the Metaverse?
  • The Metaverse and Medicine
  • Top 3 Things to Understand About the Metaverse
  • Top 5 Ways the Metaverse Will Change the Future
  • Understanding the Relationship Between the Metaverse, Crypto, and NFTs
Meta verse made simple Cover Includes ready sales materials!
Original price was: €299.99.Current price is: €29.99.
Get Everything You need To Grow Your Online Business


Grow Your Online Business With Our All In One Solution Bundle

The Millionaire Mindset

The Millionaire Mindset CASE

The Millionaire Mindset” will teach you how to think positively. You’ll learn what you need to do before you even start on a plan for changing your financial situation.
Here’s a summary of what you’ll learn in this 6 part audio book:
  • changing the way you think
  • clarifying your life purpose
  • getting rid of negativity
  • eliminating boundaries in your mind
  • learning the power of attraction
  • discovering generosity
  • learning to know yourself
  • and much more.

Home Productivity Video Upgrade

Work From Home Productivity Video Upgrade Cover

“Now You Can Get Instant Access To a 10-Part Training Series To Help You Get Ahead Even More…”

Here they are:

Big Business Blueprint

Big Business Blueprint BBB_bundle Cover

Inside this e-book you are about to learn the following information:

  • 7 Figure Mindset The Big Picture
  • Boots-trapper’s Guide To 7 Figure Galaxy
  • How To Generate Profitable Offer Ideas
  • $125000 In 4 Days – How To Raise Capital For Your Business
  • How To Scale Your Business And Quadruple Your Income
  • Exit In Style
  • Long Term Wealth How To Get 5 To 10 Return s For Life


Personal Branding Blueprint

Personal Branding Blueprint Video Upgrade Cover

10 exclusive video presentations that’ll show you the tools, techniques and my top tips to finally succeed and get results!
Here they are:

101 Self Help Tips

101 Self Help Tips Checklist

“Finally… A Comprehensive Handbook Full of Tips to Help You Find Your Motivation!”
What Are Your Excuses For Not Reaching Your Goals?
Point-By-Point Checklist
Here’s what you’ll discover in this guide:
  • You’ll find the motivation you need to drive yourself forward to accomplish your goals and change your life.
  • You’ll become more self-disciplined to lead a more successful life and accomplish whatever you put your mind to.
  • You’ll develop your time management skills, so you have the time to do what you want and accomplish all your goals.
  • You’ll learn how to change your negative thoughts into positive ones, which will give you the best shot at staying motivated.
  • You’ll learn how to set attainable goals that will allow you to stay motivated and encourage you to accomplish all your goals.
  • And much, much more…


100 Business Boosting Ideas

100 Business Boosting Ideas Cover

Business self help ideas for all kinds of different ways to overcome negative business problems!
Here What you get inside this e-book:
 100 business self help ideas. It includes all kinds of different ways to overcome negative business problems. It will turn your negative thoughts and emotions into positive ones.


100 Super Affiliate Tips

100 Super Affiliate Tips Cover

Inside this e-book you will learn:
How to create super affiliate maneuvers for different types of affiliate programs to promote, affiliate bonuses to offer that will increase your commissions and ways to market them for maximum profits!


Online Viral Marketing Secrets

Online Viral Marketing Secret cover

Would You Like To Discover A Shortcut To
Online Viral Marketing Secrets?
If so, pay close attention to this very limited, special offer… You will only see this once…
Here is a Quick Peek at the Quality Of
The Video Course Included:



Don’t Join the Army of Viral Content Failures

Shocking Fact: Viral Content is Everywhere!

Save Time and Money by Deciding NOT to Do This

The Two-Step Trick to Effective Viral Marketing

How Do You Find Hot Content?

Maximize Niche Targeting for Your Curated Content

Remember to protect yourself when sharing others’ content

How to share viral content on Facebook

How to share viral content on Twitter

Filter your content format to go viral on many platforms


Exclusive Fast Action Bonus Included…

Fast Action Bonus

High-Quality MP3s Of The Entire Video Version Of The Training

Don’t have time to watch videos? I am also providing you with 10 MP3s that you can use while you’re on the go…

Listen to them in the car, at home, or even at the office…

All day… Every day.

Valued at $27


WordPress Website Security

Wordpress Website Security Cover

This specific training course was designed to help you understand how to secure and protect your valuable WordPress site.


WordPress Website Security

8 Part Video Course

Here’s a list of this 8-part video series in more detail:
Video #1 – Introduction to WP Security

Let’s talk a little about WordPress.  You’ll also get a bird’s eye view of the course and how it is laid out.  More importantly – what you need to get started.

Video #2 – Backdoor

Understanding how back doors open up to allow a hacker into your website is crucial. This way, you can protect yourself and have a plan to implement to start the process.

Video #3 –  WordPress Hosting

Believe it or not, your web hosting plays a crucial part in your word press site security. We will dive into why that is the case and how you can use that to your advantage. We will also go over certain web hosting companies that have done an excellent job and protecting their clients’ websites.

Video #4 – Protect WP-Admin

One of the many lines of defense is to protect your WordPress admin login page. The reason why you want to do this is simply because the way people often get into your site is by trying to brute force their way into your login page. By brute force, we mean computers and or hackers will try and guess what your password is and your username is.

Video #5 – Different Security Plugins

There are hundreds of different word press security plug-ins out there. The question is which one of them is going to protect you from various attacks. This video will cover precisely that.

Video #6 – 2-Step Authorization Plugins

Another line of defense is to protect your login page from a two-step authorization process.   I will show you how to do this in this video.

Video #7 – Protect Files 

Another line of the fence is to protect your files such as your images, your other media files, and more. Know what we mean by protecting your data is to protect them from what we call hot-linking. This is when an outside source or outside website decides to take your data, such as your images and post it on their site. What ends up happening is it inns up using your bandwidth with that you were paying to your web host.  Well, that might not seem like a big deal if a hacker decided to send hundreds and thousands of people to that image that could accrue more expensive costs.

Video #8 – Password Protection

Well, creating a strong password may seem like common sense, you’d be surprised to know how many people do not adhere to this process. In this video, we will discuss how you can not only go about creating a stronger password, but how you can utilize password protection apps to help you remember exactly what they are. In addition to that, when you create your WordPress username and password, there are certain things you want to avoid using to prevent brute force attacks.

Grab this video course and learn how to secure your WordPress site.


WordPress Engagement Boost

Wordpress Engagement Boost Cover

“Finally, Discover How to Increase Engagement On Your WordPress Site – Which Results In More Leads, Sales, & Profits!”
In this step-by-step video course, you will get to watch how to increase engagement in your WordPress site.


WordPress Engagement Boost

 8 Part Video Course

Here’s a breakdown of this 8 part video series in more detail.
Video #1: Introduction and Quick Overview

In this specific video, we’ll give you a quick overview of the video course as a whole – so that you can understand clearly what to expect as we go about implementing the system to increase your visitor engagement so you can convert prospects into leads. This leads to sales, and more.

Video #2 – How fast does your site load? And how to check.

Referring back to the previous example, if you go to a site, and it takes more than 10 seconds to load, most visitors will leave to Google and look for another one. Yet before you learn how to speed things up, you need to know where you stand now. But how? There are so many tools out there to use, which is the best?

Video #3 – How to speed up your WordPress site – plugins

In the previous example, we talked about how to figure out what your speed is currently. At this point, you need to figure out how to speed up your WordPress site, which we will discuss in this video.

Video #4 – How to speed up via Web Hosting

When it comes to web hosting companies, there are many different plans and different packages with various features and benefits. Also, specific setups are great for WordPress sites because these types of sites tend to utilize a lot of server resources.

Video #5 – Engagement Boost Hack 1

In this video, we will cover a specific engagement boost hack that you could apply to your WordPress site.

Video #6 – Engagement Boost Hack 2

Similarly to video number five, you’re going to learn more engagement hacks.

Video #7 – Engagement Boost Hack 3

And last but not least, we have the third engagement hack to cover in this video.

Video #8 – Turning Engagement into Subscribers

Once you have learned to get people to engage and interact with your blog, do you want to eventually get them on to your email list so that you can follow up with them? What are the main reasons why a lot of business owners failed to make money online is simply because there is no way to follow up with your prospects. So we’ll discuss this next step in this particular video.

Grab this video course and learn how to increase your engagement and email list growth!


Woo-commerce Membership Secrets

Woo-commerce membership site secrets cover

Announcing a Brand New 7-Part Video Course
“Finally, Discover How to Run Your Very Own WordPress-Based Membership Site by Using Woo-commerce… Starting Today!”

This 7-part video course is designed to show you exactly how you can quickly and easily brainstorm, plan, and set up your WordPress membership site!


Woo-commerce Membership Secrets

7 Part Video Course

Here’s a breakdown of this 7 part video series in more detail.

Video #1: Introduction

Before we jump right into creating a WordPress membership site, we want to begin by introducing you to the video course as a whole. There are lots to discuss what you need in terms of successfully implement everything that you have learned.


Video #2: Mapping Out Your Membership Site Funnel

We will map out your funnel using flow-chart software, which will allow you to see what your site will look like. Once you have completed this process, you will be one step closer to success, and implementing and setting up your WordPress sites will become a whole lot faster.

Video #3: Which WordPress Membership Plugin?

Now that you understand how your membership site looks, it’s time to talk about different WordPress membership plugins that are available to you. This is in case you decide not to use the one that we are going to be discussing. At the same time, we will explain why we chose the one that is included and why we recommend that you use it as well.

Video #4: Access, Install, and Getting Started

In this specific video and the rest until the end of this video course, you’ll be shown how to access this WordPress plugin, how to install it correctly, and how to get things configured correctly.

Video #5: Creating a Membership Level

Once you have configured your settings, it’s time to set up your membership levels. This is a crucial process because it allows you to set up the skeleton or structure of your whole site.

Video #6: Creating and Pricing Your Product

Next, this video will show you how to create a product to build a bridge that’ll connect from the Woo-commerce payment side to your membership plan.

Video #7: Testing

In terms of testing – there are a few things you can do.  While we won’t go into the how – since everyone will have a different setup – we’ll discuss what you need to do to test to ensure it works with your payment gateway.

Grab this video course now so you can start building your membership site.


WordPress Automation Secrets

Wordpress Automation Secret cover

Announcing a Brand New 8-Part Video Course
“Finally, Discover How to Free Up Your Valuable Time & Run Your WordPress Site On Autopilot… Starting Today!”
This 8-part video course is designed to show you exactly how you can free up your time by quickly and easily automating tedious and boring tasks within your WordPress site!


WordPress Automation Secrets

  8 Part Video Course

Here’s a breakdown of this 8 part video series in more detail.
Video #1: Introduction

Before we jump right into showing you how to automate your site, we want to begin by introducing you to the video course as a whole. There are lots to discuss what you need in terms of successfully implement everything that you have learned.

Video #2: Different Automation Scenarios

Before we jump into how to automate every part of your WordPress site, because your situation might be different than somebody else: we want to make sure that we show you as many different scenarios as possible. In other words, what are the different situations you could automate?

Video #3: Website Maintenance Automation

Now it’s time to understand how to automate the most boring, yet most crucial part of your WordPress site. This includes things such as updating your theme and plugins, making sure that your website continually runs fast and smooth, and much more.

Video #4: Content Marketing Automation

Now, what about auto-scheduling your posts and pages? In other words, the content you created, such as articles, audio, video, and other content.

Video #5: Social Media Automation

It’s time to take it a step further by understanding how to make that your content and automatically posted on to your social media platforms.  Unfortunately, this particular task of publishing the different social media platforms is often one of the biggest complaints that we hear from site owners. This is because, depending on the number of social media platforms that you have, it can become a full-time job.

Video #6: E-Commerce Automation

What if you run an e-commerce site? How do you go about automating different pieces of your website to ensure that The customer gets the best experience possible?

Video #7: Membership Automation

What if you run a membership site? How can you make it the best possible experience for your members and free up your time so that you can spend it on focusing on building your community?

Video #8: Best Complete Automation Plugins (Free and Paid)

While we discuss different WordPress plugin’s in the previous videos, and the specific video you’ll learn how to completely automate your WordPress site on a whole new level. For example, say you want to automate certain things based upon how your users interact with your website?

Grab this video course now so you can start freeing up your time and automating your WordPress site.


Facebook Ads

Facebook Ad cover

Announcing The Brand New, 10 Part, Step By Step Video Course…
“Discover What You Need to Do To Setup Facebook Ads that Get Results”
In this specific video training course, you will get to watch over my shoulder – step-by-step, click by click – and learn what you need to do to setup your Facebook Ads properly.


Facebook Ad Basics

  10 Part Video Course
Here’s a list of this 10-part video series in more detail:
Video #1 – Introduction to FB Ads

Have you ever wondered why your Facebook ads don’t convert? The reason why is that most people jump with two feet and start creating ads. In this video, we will discuss the course itself and what you need to get started.

Video #2 – Paid Traffic Mindset

Before you create your Facebook ads, let’s discuss why you need a mindset shift and what that looks like.  This is the sole reason why some people succeed and paid traffic, while others fail.  Jumping into Facebook ads without knowing this is a sure way to fail.

Video #3 –  Who Are You Targeting?

Doing this one wrong will give you horrible results.  In other words, knowing who you are targeting and how to target them is very important.  This is the first step to your road to doing Facebook Ads the right way.

Video #4 – FB Insights

After you get a better grasp of WHO you are targeting, it’s time to back that up with actual data. Fortunately – you can use a free, but powerful tool to get this data.  This is very important especially before running any type of Facebook ad.

Video #5 – Creating an Avatar Profile

Now that you have gathered the right data from Videos 3, 4, and 5 – it’s time to create your customer’s avatar profile.  This is simply a document that tells you what your ideal customer should look like and everything about them that you would need to find out.

Video #6 – Important Ad Rules

You should never setup ads until you’ve understood what Facebook does not like and what they want.  Creating ads that violate policy is a sure way to get your account banned.  So going over the rules is crucial.

Video #7 – The Pixel

Before you run ads, you need to make sure you have your pixel created and installed.  We’ll go over this, so you get the proper tracking setup.

Video #8 – Ad Campaigns

Now it’s time to setup your Facebook Ad campaign.  The campaign is what holds your ad sets and your ads and understanding your objective is crucial.  In this video – you will get to see us setup an ad campaign in step by step manner.

Video #9 – Ad Sets

Now it’s time to setup your Facebook Ad Set.  The ad set is the child of an Ad campaign and it is what holds your ads.  In this video – you will get to see us setup an ad set step by step.

Video #10 – Ads

Now it’s time to setup your Facebook Ads.  You will need to have your creative ad in hand to do this.  The ad is the child of an Ad set.  In this video – you will get to see us setup an ad in step by step manner.

So, grab this video course today and begin setting up your Facebook ad the right way.


Facebook Messenger Bot Marketing

Facebook Messenger Bot Marketing Unleashed Video Upgrade deluxe-package

Facebook Messenger has revolutionized how marketers can access and grow their audience on Facebook and websites that use many of Facebook’s extensions.

Topics covered:

  • What is Facebook messenger and how can it help your business?
  • A more in-depth look at FB messenger bots
  • How can Facebook Messenger Bots Grow Your Audience?
  • The Dos and Don’ts of Marketing Through a Facebook Messenger Chat Bot
  • How to Qualify Facebook Messenger Traffic
  • The Classic Sales Funnel
  • How to Create Your Own Facebook Messenger Bot
  • How to Drive More People to Your Facebook Messenger Chat Bot
  • The 10 main reasons why you should use Facebook Messenger bot marketing

Includes ready sales materials!


YouTube Channel SEO

YouTube Channel SEO Cover

Announcing The Brand New, 8 Part, Step By Step Video Course That Shows You How To…
“Rank Your YouTube Channel & Generate Traffic To Your Products, Affiliate Products, and More… Starting Today”
In this specific video training course, you will get to watch over my shoulder – step-by-step, click by click – and learn how to take your YouTube Channel to brand new heights.


Video #1 – Introduction to YouTube Video Traffic

Before we jump right in, we want to make sure that you are in the right mindset. So, we will be discussing where you need to put your 100% focus into.  In addition to that, we will discuss a quick overview of what’s inside this video course, so you know exactly what to expect. You’ll also get to see everything that you need to get started successfully.

Video #2 – What This Is NOT

To ensure you are able to successfully implement this strategy, we want to discuss with you what this is NOT about.  The reality is that there’s a lot of misconceptions that people have when it comes to ranking videos on YouTube or even Google. These misconceptions or assumptions that certain things working certain ways don’t work or will actually prevent you from succeeding. So, to make sure that these don’t create roadblocks for you, we want to make sure that you understand what this is not.

Video #3 –  What Google Wants & The Strategy

In this video, we are going to discuss what Google wants based on the data that we have seen and how the strategy works.  Part of being able to rank on YouTube and Google is to understand what Google wants. If you can understand their vision, then you can adapt a long-term strategy to your ranking strategy. By the end of this video, you should have a better and clearer understanding of what you need for your game plan.

Video #4 – The Ring

Now it’s time to focus on the strategy in a very specific step-by-step plan of attack. This strategy is what we call “the ring”.  To make things easier for you, you will be given a visual map of what this looks like in practical terms.

Video #5 – How to Automate The Ring

After viewing the previous video, you can imagine how tedious and overwhelming it is to have to maintain the ring, much less get it setup yourself.  Yes, getting good rankings is not an easy shortcut by any means.  Lucky for you – there is a way to automate it once you have set things up.

Video #6 – Account Creation

In order to set up the ring, you need to be able to apply best practices in terms of creating accounts.  Fortunately for you, we have been creating accounts which have been successful and have failed at the same time, so we are able to share with you what has worked for us. Believe it or not, if you don’t follow these best practices – some of your accounts can potentially be removed or banned by these big platforms.

Video #7 – Outsourcing

As you can see, creating a ring is very time consuming.  It can take a week or two for someone who’s never done this before.  So, finding somebody who has done this before and has done very effectively is crucial if you want to focus on the other parts of your business.  Lucky for you – we have used several and will show you who we get so you don’t have to lose money finding the wrong person…

Video #8 – Testing

Whether you created the ring yourself or hired someone to do it, testing it is very important.  In this video, we will show you how to test the ring to make sure that it actually works. 

And don’t worry about all the technical details if you’re not tech-savvy. If you can simply watch a video, watch over my shoulder step-by-step and click by click, then you should have no problem at all setting up this system and start receiving traffic.

So, grab this video course today and begin generating targeted video traffic for your products the right way.

Social Media Automation

Social Media Automation Cover

Announcing The Brand New, 7 Part, Step By Step Video Course
“Finally,  Discover How to Automate Your Social Media Presence…Starting Today.”
In the specific video series, you will learn how to automate your social media presence.


Social Media Automation

7 Part Video Course

Here’s a list of this 7 part video series in more detail

Video #1: Introduction

Before we jump right in, we want to make sure that you are given a quick overview of what’s inside this video course. Essentially a Birdseye view of what to expect so that you can implement it at a faster rate.

Video #2: Social Media Platforms

It’s easy to want to begin to learn how to automate your social media sites. But before we do, I want to make sure that you understand the purpose and reasoning behind each social media platform. While this may seem necessary, it is essential to figuring out where how you will be using each platform. Because the reality is that different social media sites have different purposes.

Video #3: Which Platform is Best?

What do you have a good idea of what social media platform is used for a specific purpose, it’s time to figure out which platform is best for your niche and your customers.  In all honesty, summer social media sites may be irrelevant to you and your prospects and maybe sites that your prospects would never use. And sometimes, you may have overlooked a social media platform that may be good for your followers.

Video #4: Customize Your Game Plan

Once you have a better general idea of what platforms you will use and that will appeal to your prospects and future customers, it’s time to customize your game plan.  Now you want to figure out all the details as to what, when, how, and why it might fulfill your prospects’ needs.  Knowing all of these details will allow you to figure out exactly how you will use your social media sites. This includes whether you are using them now or if you were going to use them in the future. This allows you to figure out precisely step-by-step how to automate the process.

Video #5: Map It Out

Now, based on the detail of what you have discovered in the previous video, it is time to map out how you need to automate it.  Does it make sense now why we are approaching it in this manner?  Now before we use a software application, it’s time to visualize by mapping out what exactly it will look like.

Video #6: Automation Apps

Once you have mapped out your game plan in detail, it’s time to figure out what software applications you’ll be using to automate your whole social media presence. You will discover some free tools and some paid tools as well.

Video #7: Free Automation

Now that you have a good idea of the different tools that are available to you that are both paid and free, it’s time to utilize the free tour and show you how to set up your automation sequences.

Grab this video course and start learning how to manage and grow your social media presence.

Free Traffic System Advanced

Free Traffic System Advanced Cover

Secure your Website’s Bandwidth to Receive Tons of Traffic that Will Come Using this Advance Free Traffic System!

Below are some of the videos that you are about to explore:

  • YouTube In Organic Search
  • YouTube Relevant SEO Watch Time
  • YouTube Clickable Links
  • Live Events Embedded Google Hangouts
  • Solo Ads
  • Product Creation
  • Forum Signature Marketing
  • Amazon Kindle
  • QR Codes Offline Traffic
  • Udemy
  • And a lot more inside…

Special Bonus Included; Value Over €700.

123 Ready-Made Logo Kit

123 Logo Kit Cover

Get Instant Access to 38 Eye-Popping, Ready-Made Logos You Can Use For Your Next Product or Business”
Simply Choose a Logo, Customize And You’re Done!

Dear Friend,

Designing logos is plain difficult.

You need creativity and design skills.

You would spend hours trying to even think about what colors to use.

Who wants that? Would you rather spend your time on more important tasks in your business?

Even if you were to get a professional logo designer to design your logo, it would cost you $30-$100 or more. Take a look at what oDesk is “typically” charging:

I failed miserably trying to create my own logos.

Your logo represents your brand so you want to make sure you have a professional-looking logo that symbolizes your business.

I’m going to save you time and money because I’ve had 38 unique and original logos created by a professional designer that normally charges $99 per logo.

Let me introduce to you…

123 Logo Kit!

123 Logo Kit contains 38 ready-made logos you can use for your next product or business!

Inside you’re going to receive logos in a wide variety of industries. Take a look:

Take a Look at ALL The Logos You’ll Receive


When you get 123 Logo Kit today, you’re going to get:

  • 38 professionally-designed logos in 7 hot industries – Business, Fitness, Health, Money, Real Estate, Self improvement, Technology & Computers
  •  All in .PSD format – customize the texts quickly & easily in Photoshop.
  • All logos are about 800 pixels wide – large enough for using on eCovers, websites, print shirts and more.
  • All the fonts used in the logos are also included.
Get Instant Access To 123 Logo Kit!

We both know that you wouldn’t create and design each individual logo yourself.

And you wouldn’t spend hundreds getting a logo created.

In fact, this product cost €1,579.00 to create.

But you don’t have to pay anywhere near that.

Get instant access today……..

Graphical Opt-In Box Collection

Graphical Opt-In Box Collection Cover


Dear Friend,

Would you spend a few measly bucks and five minutes of your time to increase your opt-in list day after day for a lifetime?

Of course you would! That’s a no brainier question, isn’t it?

Let’s face it, building an opt in list is the “Holy Grail” of internet marketing. Your success depends on your ability to build customer relationships and present products to an audience.

It’s the building the list part that is by far the most difficult.

Introducing… a Fast, Easy Way to Increase Your Opt-In List By Grabbing The Attention of Your Visitors With Elegant and Classy Graphical Opt-In Box

A few moments or so from now, you could be building your opt-in list faster and more effectively than ever before.

Have you noticed recently how all of the most successful sites and lead capture pages feature prominent, highly graphical opt-in boxes?

The reason for this is simple – it gets attention!

The fastest way to increase your response is to attract more attention to what you want the visitor to do.

People are skimmers, if you don’t draw their eyes to what you want them to do, they just might pass it over altogether!

If you are building your list, you want people to notice your opt-in box. If your visitors don’t clearly see your opt in offer or it blends in to the rest of your page you have just lost a potential opt-in and the opportunity to build a relationship with that customer.

Luckily, There is a Nearly Instant Fix For This “Invisible Opt-In” Dilemma …

When you download your package today, you will receive…

15 Total Graphical Opt-In Boxes that are perfect for any site!

Check Them Out…

If that wasn’t enough, you will also receive two VERY Versatile templates that will work for ANY project!

These templates come already laid-out – just replace the text with your headline, text and opt in box for a professional, super high conversion lead capture page or mini-site!

Take a Look:

With all of these great graphics and templates it’s easy for anyone to create HIGHLY effective squeeze / lead capture pages FAST& EASY!

After all of the time and money you have invested in building your opt-in list, this small change could be just what you need to finally take your list building efforts to the next level.

Adding your auto res-ponder or list building service code to these “ready to go” graphical boxes will take you just moments yet the results will benefit you forever!

Graphic Expert In A Box

Graphics Expert in a box cover

Create Professional Quality Graphics To Help Sell Your Products And Services Like Crazy!

Have you ever paid for graphics for your website to help you sell more product?

Have you also received the outrageous bill from the graphic designer after that?

Or even worse, have you ever said to yourself “I can live without an eCover because they are just too expensive?”

That’s a very big mistake! It’s proven that an eCover can help you sell tons more products.

Whatever your situation, there is a solution to both of these problems.

Templates In A Box

Templates In A Box Sample Cover

In Less Then 10 min From Now -You Can Put Your Hands On This Amazing 3 Set
Templates In A Box Packages

  • 3 Hot – Web 2.0 Templates, already sliced and optimized for best web performance, pre-designed in html page;

  • Special OTO Template, already optimized, sliced for best performance, predesigned in html page;
  • For each template, also is included Testimonial Box, that is also optimized, sliced and pre-designed, ready to use as html/php web page;
  • Each template is pre-coded with $7 Dollar Script* – and is ready to take orders in next 30 min from now!;
  • With each template is included blank image called “header.jpg” – that is already optimized for best performance – you only need add there own images or text, save to “images” folder, upload to own server and your done!;

For each template is included cool/hot order button with price tag, where you may with easy edit and change price for your product
  • 6 HOT – Web 2.0 Squeeze, Newsletters Templates, optimized, sliced and pre-designed, ready to use as html/php web page;

  • See sample here:
    Sample 001Sample 002
  • With this Hypnotized squeeze templates your opt-in rate will increase over 300% – change your business lookout to next level in less then 10 min from now;

  • If you can write short, catchy headline and info – this squeeze templates are for you and your visitors will love them!
  • 3 New – Hot! – Adsense Templates, optimized, sliced and pre-designed, ready to use as html/php web page;

  • Just add your pub-number and your template is ready to upload to your own server;

Using copy and paste you may add own story, article, or any other content you want;

100 Mobile Web Templates

100 Mobile Web Templates Cover

Make Thousands of Dollars Online Offering Mobile Friendly Websites to Your Local Business Clients!Make Thousands of Dollars Online Offering Mobile Friendly Websites to Your Local Business Clients!Make Thousands of Dollars Online Offering Mobile Friendly Websites to Your Local Business Clients!, inside this product package, you are about immediately get a hundred of mobile website templates that you can use for your website right now.

5 New Video Squeeze Templates

5 New Video Squeeze Templates Cover

Use These 5 New Video Squeeze Templates to
Your Opt-In List!


These Powerful Templates Will Draw Your Visitors’ Eyeballs to Your Opt-In Video Like A Lightning Bolt to a Lightning Rod!


Imagine this nightmare scenario. You have a thriving online business. Projects in the works. You’ve got a boat load of websites bringing you in money every day, every week, every month.

Then, WHAM! Some hacker wipes out your server’s hard drive, along with all your backups! Your entire business, wiped out overnight. Think it couldn’t happen? Well it did.

A fellow marketer had this happen to him. On Christmas Eve. Some 200 websites. Gone. His business? Well, what do you think happened to it? Think again.

The “Gurus” Tell Us “The Money Is In The List”
– And They’re Right!

This marketer was saved from total disaster, because he had…a mailing list. In fact, he’s probably got a few of them. So, starting from scratch, he began mailing to his list as well as tapping into his contacts, and is able to keep his business afloat as he gradually rebuilds his sites. His contacts helped, but his list is the key. The hacker couldn’t wipe that out. (By the way, this is a 100% true story. It happened this past Christmas Eve. Keep your list safe and treat it like gold.)

Moral of the story? Well, you know, don’t you? You need to build a list, and if you’ve got one already, you need to keep building it bigger!

How do we do that? By driving traffic to our “Squeeze Pages”. I’m sure you’re well aware that a well designed squeeze page can mean a nice number of the visitors to your squeeze page will fill out your form and sign up to your list. That means more money for you as you market to your list.

In the past year, however, a new, exciting trend, more powerful than using traditional squeeze pages, has emerged. Video.

Look at how video has taken the Internet by storm. The success of Google Video and YouTube has not been lost on savvy Internet Marketers.

More and more marketers are turning to video to get their message across – and using video to gain subscribers to their lists. Are you one of them? I’m guessing yes, or you wouldn’t be here.

Video Squeeze Pages Are Rapidly Replacing “Regular” Text Based Squeeze Pages

Video is far more effective than using just plain words on a squeeze page. Video is compelling, and highly visual. It captures our attention.

Here’s the problem, though. As more marketers use video enabled squeeze pages, yours gets lost in the sea of video squeeze pages out there. The truth is…

You Need to Stand Out From The Crowd

Here’s your chance to do just that!

Grab 5, brand new professionally designed Video Squeeze Page Templates, in seven “web 2.0” colors, that’ll get your visitors to say “Wow!”. They’ll be impressed and they’ll want to see your video and opt-in to your list!

Take a Look at What You Can Grab Right Now :

The Templates


Squeeze Video Template #1

“Film Reel”

Squeeze Video Template 1

This template comes in these 7 colors :

colors 1



Squeeze Video Template #2


Squeeze Video Template 2

This template comes in these 7 colors :

colors 2



Squeeze Video Template #3


Squeeze Video Template 3

This template comes in these 7 colors :

colors 3



Squeeze Video Template #4

“Custom Inset”

Squeeze Video Template 4

This template comes in these 7 colors :

colors 4



Squeeze Video Template #5


Squeeze Video Template 5

This template comes in these 7 colors :

colors 5



These templates are professionally designed, sliced and already html optimized, and there’s no graphic editing required!

Just open up the templates in your favorite html editor and :

1. Edit the text
2. Insert your video code
3. Tweak the autoresponder code
That’s it.

Now you have a stunning squeeze page, professionally designed to showcase your opt-in video and get that new subscriber!

So here’s the offer in a nutshell :

You Get 5 New Video Squeeze Templates
In 7 Web 2.0 Colors For a Total of
35 Stunning Video Squeeze Templates.
With Master Resell Rights!

Flashing Order Buttons Pro

Flashing Order Buttons Pro sample Cover

Here Are The Main Features…
  • Creates Flashing Order Buttons In Just Minutes.
  • Easy To Use, Simply Fill-In-The Blanks.
  • Software Requires No Installation.
  • Easily Change All Order Button Colors.
  • Choose Your Order Button Shape.
  • Adjust Order Button’s Flashing Rate.
  • Insert Any Order Button Call To Action.
  • Customize Text Size, Font Type & Color.
  • Works With Any HTML Coded Web Page.
  • Requires Upload Access To A Web server.
  • Can Be Used With Any Website URL.
  • Option To Change Button Border Style.
  • Software Comes With Unlimited Use License.



Metaverse Made Simple Video Course

Meta verse made simple Cover

Here’s a list of this 10-part video series in more detail:

Video List

Add this whole bundle to your cart now for only….
€2499.99 €99.99

Buy Now